Reach New Leads: Facebook Prospecting Campaigns

The key to the longevity of your business relies heavily upon reaching new, untapped potential audiences. 72% of media buyers cite audience targeting as their biggest challenge on Facebook. We have compiled the top strategies for finding those elusive audiences and reaching your top-of-funnel, awareness, and prospecting goals. From leveraging Lookalike Audiences to exploring Interest Targeting, the tools you need to expand your reach and improve your performance will be covered briefly in this blog.


A powerful strategy for expanding your reach and finding new audiences on Facebook Ads is to use Lookalike Audiences. By tapping into this feature, you can reach people like your existing customers, website visitors, or even Facebook fans. This means you can target people interested in your brand or product but may not have heard of you before.

Lookalike Audiences can also be based on various sources, such as your customer email list, website visitors, or people who have engaged with your Facebook page. The algorithm then finds commonalities between these groups and creates a new audience segment that matches those characteristics.

To start with Lookalike Audiences, you must have a source audience in mind and a Facebook Pixel installed on your website. From there, you can create a Lookalike Audience in the Ads Manager by selecting your source audience and choosing the location and size of your new audience segment. It is important to note that Lookalike Audiences are dynamic and will update as your source audience changes, so you will want to keep your source audience updated with new data.

In summary, Lookalike Audiences can be a powerful tool for expanding your reach on Facebook Ads and finding new potential customers. Using Facebook's algorithm to identify people like your existing audience, you can create top-of-funnel awareness and drive new traffic to your website. It is just one of the many strategies you can use to overcome audience targeting challenges and improve your Facebook Ads performance.


In addition to Lookalike Audiences, detailed targeting is another valuable tool for reaching new, untapped audiences on Facebook Ads. Precise targeting allows you to select specific demographics, interests, and behaviors relevant to your product or service. This helps you narrow your audience to reach those most likely to engage with your content and become customers.

To use detailed targeting, you can start by selecting a broad category relevant to your product or service, such as “food and drink” or “fitness.” The ability to drill down into subcategories and interests more specific to your target audience, such as “veganism” or “running.” You can also target behaviors such as “frequent travelers” or “online shoppers” to further refine your audience.

Detailed targeting can help you create more relevant, personalized ads that resonate with your target audience. By reaching people interested in your product or service, you can increase your chances of driving conversions and growing your customer base.


To supplement detailed targeting, interest targeting can help you further expand your reach on Facebook Ads. Interest targeting allows you to target users with a proven interest in related topics or activities, even if they have not directly engaged with your brand.

By targeting these users based on their interests, you can maximize your chances of reaching new potential customers. I should be considered to use the interests, hobbies, behaviors, and professions that your target audience may have.

These interests can be segmented through Facebook's Audience Insights tool, which allows you to explore your target audience's demographics, location, and interests. Select interests that align with your business or product and tailor your ad messaging accordingly. Interest targeting can help you expand your reach. It is also important to remember that your ads must be relevant and personalized to your business and industry’s target audience.

Use interest targeting to supplement your existing targeting strategies. For best results, continually check your performance data to make future decisions on how you can improve.

Broad Targeting

If you have been using interest targeting to extend the reach of your Facebook ads, you are off to a great start. But what if you could cast an even wider net to find new audiences? That is where broad audience customization comes in. Audience customization allows you to reach a wider audience by selecting broader targeting options that include people who may not have shown interest in your business yet.

By using broad audience customization in conjunction with interest targeting, you can expand your reach and find untapped audiences who may be interested in your brand. Having a more comprehensive audience comes with the risk of showing your ads to people who are not your ideal customers. That is where audience exclusions come in. This feature allows you to exclude people who have already engaged with your brand, such as customers who have purchased or subscribed to your email list. By cutting these people from your audience, you can ensure that your ads are seen by people who are more likely to convert.

In the next section, we will look at audience targeting exclusions and how they can help you target your ads to the right people.

Targeting Exclusions

Facebook Ads supply a vast audience, but not all are your ideal customers. That is where audience exclusions come in. Audience targeting exclusions allow you to filter out people who have already interacted with your brand, such as those who have purchased or subscribed to your email list. As a result, you can avoid showing ads to people who have already converted and instead focus on new audiences who are more likely to convert.

Implementing exclusions can significantly improve your ad targeting, leading to higher engagement rates and lower CPCs. Leveraging exclusions can provide you with more control over the audience you are targeting, increasing the effectiveness of your Facebook Ads campaigns.

The following section will delve deeper into how you can set up brand-engaged exclusions to ensure that the right people see your ads.


In conclusion, finding new, untapped audiences for your Facebook Ads campaigns may seem daunting, but with the right strategies, it can be done. Remember to leverage lookalike audiences, use detailed targeting, explore interest targeting, customize your audiences, and exclude those already brand-engaged. Keep track of your results and constantly optimize your ads for better performance. As you embark on your DTC marketing journey, never forget that the key to success is reaching those audiences that others have yet to discover.

As author Seth Godin once said, "Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell." (“Marketing Is About the Stories You Tell - Ben Francia”) So, tell incredible stories and keep growing.

Max Yang

A dynamic entrepreneur, educator, and marketer and the founder of MaxYang & Co. Equipped with a multifaceted background encompassing education, business ownership, and marketing.

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Use Facebook Re-Targeting Ads to Connect & Convert